Trouts Journal

10 Ways To Improve Your Fly Fishing Photography

Ivan Orsic / Mar 15, 2013

Trout’s would like to thank Tim Romano for giving a light’s-out fly fishing photography presentation last night. We’d also like to thank all of our customers who showed up, packed the house, and enjoyed the show. Tim delivered some great tips on photography and we had a chance to see slide shows from Alaska, Guyana, Colorado and a whole bunch of other super cool destinations.

If you missed the action, don’t worry – here are 10 things that we learned last night to help you improve your photography technique and strategy. You too can have the skillz to pay the billz:

1) Learn how to operate your camera by first reading the manual

2) Have your camera accessible

3) Be aware of condensation

4) Use your macro setting and get in there close!

5) Centered images = boring

6) Grip and grins = boring

7) Take more than one shot – as Tim put it “Don’t be afraid to spray – you’re not paying for film”

8) Try shooting something different – get creative

9) Be nice to the fish – treat your subject with care and keep the fish in the water as much as possible. If you have to take the fish out of the water, be quick about it.

10) Stop and look around – we fish in cool places and every picture you take doesn’t have to have a fish or an angler in it

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