Trouts Journal

Google Earth Updates: Like Christmas in April

Ivan Orsic / Apr 29, 2017

Anytime Google Earth gets an update, as a fisherman, my eyes light up. Here at Trouts, we have compiled what we like to think is the most informative, complete fishing information page in the industry. But, if isn't enough information for you and you are yearning for a more 3-D look at your next fishing spot, use the new Google Earth.

In the new update, there are five major upgrades/updates: 3D Maps, More David Attenborough, Hemingways Hangouts, Get Lost, and "Are you feeling lucky?". Only one of those features really interests me: 3D Maps.

Switch easily between 2D/3D views of your current or soon-to-be favorite fishing spots. Check out these views of shop favorite Cheesman Canyon.

Cheesman Canyon from Map View (2D)

Cheesman Canyon in 3D

Cheesman Canyon in 3D with more detail

From my perspective, Google Earth will take your scouting of familiar and new locations to the next level. Nothing like a new perspective on the river to open your eyes and get you excited for an upcoming trip. Colorado is a big state with a lot of water and there's no better way I can find that new spot from my couch than Google Earth. If I'm not at work or on the water, I can guarantee that you will find me looking for small creeks and high mountain lakes for some summer time adventures on the new Google Earth.

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