Trouts Journal

Meet the Trouts Crew || Scott Battista

Ivan Orsic / May 30, 2021

With summer around the corner, there are a couple of new faces around the Denver shop. With that in mind, we'd like to "introduce" Scott Battista. Scott, who hails from Ohio, recently joined the Trouts Denver team as a sales associate. Likely many before him, he's traded lazy summer days on the bass ponds of his youth and in for those days spent chasing Rocky Mountain trout. A story that might be familiar for many of you out there.

With all that in mind, we wanted to give you the opportunity to get to know Scott. Without further adieu, let's see what makes Scott tick on the water.

Trouts: Let's start this from the top- how did you get your start fly-fishing and what keeps you heading back to the river every chance you get?

SB: When I was 8 years old my dad gifted me my first fly rod for my birthday and the obsession began. From casting in the yard to fishing for panfish and bass, the hobby turned passion through high school and college which pushed me to move out west. I get out on the water every chance I can for the peace I find on the water and of course the fish. Mostly the fish.

Trouts: Describe your perfect day on the water?

SB: It starts around sunrise with a cup of coffee. Ideally with a few friends or family and a stretch of river or the lake to ourselves. Plenty of fish to the net and laughs shared pretty much make the day for me. A few drinks along the way are optional, but encouraged.

Trouts: If you could only fish one fly in Colorado for the next 365 days, what would it be and why?

SB: If I could only fish one fly in CO for the next 365 days it would be an Olive Wooly Bugger #8. You fish it a lot of ways and fish it for trout, bass, and other species.

Trouts: Favorite place you've ever fished?

SB: Favorite place I have fished is in Alaska. Nothing crazy but blue-lining along the Denali Highway is one of my favorite fishing memories. Seeing the salmon wheels guarding the banks of the Copper River is something that sticks with me.

Trouts: Favorite river in Colorado?

SB: My favorite river in Colorado is the Arkansas.

Trouts: Destination to dream about?

SB: Alaska. Hands down. I was fortunate enough to visit and do some fishing in Alaska when I was around 10 years old and I dream of going back regularly. The monster bows, salmon, dollys, and grayling certainly will pull me back some day.

Trouts: What is the best piece of fishing advice you've ever been given?

SB: Don't take it too seriously.

Trouts: When not fishing, what are we most likely to find you doing?

SB: When I'm not fishing I am most likely snowboarding, camping, or spending time with friends and family around town.

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