Event Details

Trouts Denver Open Fly Tying Night



Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 5:00pm - 6:00pm


Join us for a night of fly tying, beverage drinking and fish stories

We are proud to announce the return of Trouts Open Fly Tying Nights. Hang with some of the Trouts crew as we whip up some of our favorite patterns for winter and beyond.

True to the name, our Open Fly Tying Nights are open to fly tyers of all skill levels. Whether you're a veteran tyer looking to hang out with like-minded folks during these colder months or you've just picked up the art of fly tying and are interested in picking up some tricks of the trade from some more experienced tyers, our Open Fly Tying Nights will be your jam. As always, there will be cold refreshments available from the back patio YETI cooler.

At Trouts, we understand how necessary fly tying is to the fly fishing community, which is why we want to open our doors and provide those passionate about tying the space to create and mingle with other like-minded folks. These nights are an excellent opportunity to showcase your skills, learn a new fly style, or just come hang out and talk about flies, fishing, or rigging!

These are completely FREE events. Bring your own tools, materials, and supplies. This is not a formal education night, but there will be plenty of knowledge floating around in the ether. Extra tools and vises are available, if needed (to purchase or borrow for the evening). Materials and hooks, as always, are available for purchase.

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